Evangelists are the people who act as a bridge between a product’s users and its developers. An Evangelist’s primary goal is to excite the technology they believe in to establish a critical mass of users. They are the most organic growth hackers. In principle, they work to raise awareness about a given technology and build a community of users that also love that technology. Once there is a critical mass of users, the evangelist works further to establish their technology as an industry standard by moving to larger and larger accounts.
Organizations, Open source foundations, and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations(DAO) are the different types of organizations that will be a part of the Gitopia ecosystem.
A central facet of any blockchain is its consensus mechanism. Consensus refers to how all the stakeholders in a decentralized network agree on the validity of shared data (typically some kind of transaction, but not always) and secure that data on the blockchain. Consensus must be achieved before a blockchain network can move on and process new transactions.
Gitopia is developed using the Cosmos SDK framework. The Cosmos SDK is a modular framework that simplifies the process of building custom, secure, scalable, and interoperable blockchain applications quickly.
Git, the most widely used version control system in the world today, is called a stupid content tracker! In the official Git website, under its documentation, Git is referenced as “Git- the stupid content tracker”. Apparently, Linus Torvalds, the developer of Git, thought it to be funny and unique.
GitHub censors content on its servers due to multiple reasons. Some of the reasons can be said to be justified while some not. This is a major cause for concern as GitHub in recent years has become the hub of development of many open-source projects and decentralized ecosystems.