As we turn pages on 2022, we wanted to take a moment to look into the milestones we have achieved in building Gitopia and establishing a code collaboration platform that the open source and web3 communities can rely on. This year has been all about laying the foundations for a platform that promotes trust and collaboration within these communities, and we are excited to see what the future holds and to continue building upon our efforts to foster collaboration and innovation within these communities.

A Quick Recap of Gitopia in 2022

While Gitopia is still in beta, we have launched two exciting upgrades this year, paving stones toward the Gitopia Mainnet launch. Some of the significant milestones were:

  • In April 2022, we launched the Gitopia Janus Testnet, which introduced the familiar collaboration workflows like Issues, Forks, and Pull requests, as well as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and the ability to release software to end users. We also added support for multiple wallets, including Keplr and Ledger, to enhance security and trust on the platform. Read more about Gitopia Janus Testnet.

Janus Testnet

  • To encourage adoption and gather valuable feedback on Gitopia, we also launched the Game of $LORE incentivization program along with Gitopia Janus Testnet. This program rewards early adopters for their contributions on Gitopia, helping us test the platform before the Mainnet launch. We have set aside 2,25,000 tokens for the community to earn through this program. The Game of $LORE is the most lucrative way for the community to earn $LORE tokens before the Mainnet goes live. The Game of $LORE program will continue to incentivize contributions until the Mainnet launch. Read more about the Game of $LORE.

  • In November 2022, we took our first major step towards the launch of Gitopia Mainnet with the release of an upgrade to the Gitopia Janus testnet. This upgrade enabled the onboarding of the initial set of validators on Gitopia and the implementation of permanent storage for code on Gitopia by backing up data on Filecoin, Arweave and pinning it to IPFS. It also introduced Gitopia User profile and DAO profile, allowing users to register unique usernames and DAO identities on the Gitopia blockchain. Furthermore, there were numerous performance improvements, UI enhancements, and bug fixes to ensure the stability and reliability of the platform for the community. Read more about the upgrade to the Gitopia Janus Testnet.

Janus Testnet

Gitopia Testnets in numbers

Throughout the year, Gitopia has seen continuous interest from the community. Here are some of the stats to define our journey so far are:

  • 382,900+ unique addresses were generated on the Gitopia Blockchain
  • 34,995 DAOs were created on Gitopia
  • 58,200+ repositories were created on Gitopia
  • 4,656 unique usernames were claimed on Gitopia
  • 4.2 million+ transactions were done on Gitopia

Gitopia Testnets in numbers

Stats on Eligible Users for the Game of $LORE Rewards:

As we prepare for the launch of Gitopia Mainnet, we want to provide a sneak peek on user data eligible for the incentivised testnet rewards so far. Based on current statistics:

  • The number of validator candidates competing for active spots reached nearly 2000
  • 47389 users have performed at least one transaction on Gitopia blockchain
  • 106 DAOs have non empty repositories hosted on Gitopia
  • 1908 users have non empty repositories
  • 5993 issues and 178 Pull Requests were raised across all repositories

We are grateful for the support and engagement of the Gitopia community, and we look forward to continuing to grow and evolve in the coming year.

Looking ahead to the exciting 2023

Happy New Year

As we reflect on 2022, it’s clear that it was a transformative year for the tech industry and for Gitopia. Interest in Web3 development soared, leading to an increase in in-person events like hackathons, hacker houses, and conferences worldwide to attract and mentor new contributors to these communities. However, data shows that the number of contributors to native blockchain projects still remains relatively low. According to figures from CryptoMiso, there are thousands of commits being made to blockchain projects, but the number of contributors remains in the low three digits for even the most contributed chains.

In addition to this, there were numerous challenges faced by open source communities, such as the suspension of accounts belonging to developers linked to sanctioned countries or organizations, the removal of Tornado Cash repositories, and the suspension of accounts belonging to developers and contributors. There was also a significant increase in attacks on open-source repositories, with a 633% year-on-year increase, putting the entire supply chain at risk. Organizations such as Software Conservancy have called on the open-source community to ditch GitHub and seek more inclusive and accessible platforms to support the contributions. These incidents have raised concerns about the sustainability of open-source contributions and the need for more inclusive and accessible ways to support and reward these efforts.

In 2023, our focus will be on supporting open source and web3 projects in fostering close relationships with their contributor communities. To accomplish this, we will be rolling out new features, developer adoption programs, innovative reward mechanisms, and much more. Follow us to stay updated!

What’s coming soon on Gitopia?

We have some exciting releases in work for the community in 2023,

  • Bounties: Ability to assign rewards to the issues for the community to solve, helping you attract exciting new contributions to your ecosystem that matter. Bounties will mark Gitopia’s official entry to the IBC gang by supporting other IBC-compatible tokens on Gitopia to enable projects to reward their contributors effectively. Stay tuned for more details on this feature!

  • Airdrop: As a way to give back to the community, we are planning to do an Airdrop to reward the past contributions done on open source and web3 projects on GitHub. If you are an active open source contributor, follow Gitopia and stay updated on the announcements.

  • Explore and Search: With the upcoming search and explore feature, users can quickly discover and access open source and web3 projects hosted on Gitopia. From searching for a specific repository to simply looking for opportunities to contribute, this feature will make it easy for you to navigate through the projects hosted on Gitopia. This feature will significantly enhance the user experience and encourage more contributions and collaboration. The search and explore on Gitopia is built using the Graph protocol. Gitopia would be one of the first few Cosmos chains to implement the Graph protocol for indexing, querying, and collecting data, some of the notes on initial implementations can be found here.

  • Revised Gitopia token economics : We are revising the token economics for Gitopia from the past version, as outlined in the Gitopia whitepaper. The significant changes include redistributing the genesis supply to accommodate more rewards for the community, redefining the distribution categories, and defining the block reward distribution/emission, previously left undefined. The Genesis supply and the max supply will remain unchanged. In a forthcoming blog post, we will release more information about the updated token economics. Stay tuned for more updates!

Gitopia Mainnet is coming soon in 2023!

Gitopia Mainnet

As we wrap up our year in review, we have one more exciting announcement for the community. As we mentioned earlier, we are planning to launch our Mainnet in 2023, tentatively scheduled for the first quarter of the year. The exact dates for the Mainnet will be announced on our social channels, so be sure to stay tuned for updates.

During the incentivized testnet phase, all contributions on Gitopia that meet the criteria outlined in the Game of $LORE program will be eligible for rewards. At Mainnet, the points earned against your contributions will be converted to $LORE tokens and distributed to your Gitopia addresses based on the criteria outlined in our blog post.

We encourage the community to take advantage of the incentivization program and features offered by Gitopia.

Wishing Everyone a Happy and Successful New Year Ahead!

About Gitopia

Gitopia is the next-generation Decentralized Code Collaboration Platform fuelled by a decentralized network and interactive token economy. It is designed to optimize the Open-source software development process through collaboration, transparency, and incentivization.

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